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Travel Insurance

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Protection For The Road Less Traveled.

Whether you’re about to head off on a long-awaited vacation, or just bought tickets for an impromptu weekend away, travel insurance will prepare you for unforeseen circumstances that could arise on your trip such as medical protection for illness with travel health insurance and other forms of protection such as trip cancellation insurance and seniors travel insurance. Regardless of your destination, travel insurance will assist you with unexpected costs associated with illness, accident or property damage. Acumen is here to help you find insurance that will promote lasting memories—not lasting payments—on all your vacations.

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What Should I look For in Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance policies are designed to give you coverage under several different circumstances:

  • Medical Emergencies: Protect yourself from sudden accidents or illnesses on vacation, including emergency evacuation fees or costs associated with emergency care with travel health insurance.
  • Cancellation: If you must cancel your trip, your trip cancellation insurance can help you get compensation and/or reimbursement for your airfare, hotel room or travel fees so that you don’t have to pay for events that are beyond your control.

Although travel health insurance and trip cancellation insurance policies are the most common forms of coverage related to travel, you can speak to an Acumen broker to add additional policies that will cover loss of baggage, airline accidents and more. We can help you find the right travel package for your needs.

Are Pre-Existing Health Conditions Covered By Travel Insurance?

If you have pre-existing medical conditions, you’ll need to ask your insurance broker about any limitations or restrictions your policy might have. Your insurance broker can provide you with a written statement that confirms your coverage. Any written agreement should include a stability clause that states whether you are to be covered for any pre-existing medical conditions. Connect with your insurance broker if you have any concerns regarding your eligibility.

Do I Have To Purchase Travel Insurance Every time I Go On A trip?

Insurance companies offer several options that suit your lifestyle and your travel frequency. An Acumen insurance broker will advise you on whether a single or multi-trip plan is best for you. You’ll need to notify your broker of the duration of your trip and how often you travel, so that they can recommend a package that fits your needs.

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