
Preparing Your Home for Wet Weather

Written by Acumen Insurance Group | Jan 12, 2021 8:14:24 PM

Winter in Ontario can be unpredictable! One day you’re shoveling snow and the next day you’re waking up to rain! But, as finicky as the weather may be, there are steps that you can take to help prevent the stress and costs associated with water damage at your home. 

Learning how to effectively waterproof your home can complement your existing insurance coverage by protecting you from not only the unwelcome mess of a flood, but also the costs associated with damage or cleanup. 

Prevent Flooding at Home 

Our insurance brokerage specializes in providing homeowners with comprehensive home insurance solutions that will give them coverage when they need it. In addition to purchasing coverage for water protectionour team wants to give you some ideas on how you can protect your home against water damage before it happens

Since many homeowners are spending more time at home these days, we encourage you to spend a little extra time inspecting your personal dwelling to help keep your home in top form.  These tips from Economical Insurance can help you assess your home’s “weather readiness,” and may help you save on insurance premiums, too.   

Economical’s full list of flooding prevention tips are available here. To find out whether you’re covered for water damage, chat with one of our brokers 

Protect Your Vacant Property 

Acumen Insurance also assists property owners with water protection for their cottage, vacation home, or rental propertiesUnfortunately, one of the biggest culprits of water damage during winter is frozen pipes, which can burst during spring thaw (and leave you with a big mess!).  

We encourage you to consult this checklist from Economical to learn about how to fully drain your home’s pipes. The process may seem onerous, but it’s a necessary extra step to ensure that your property stays dry.  

Finally, it’s important to recognize that standard home insurance policies are not enough to protect a secondary residence or a rental property. And, now that winter is here, it’s vital that you start thinking about how you can keep your rental, condo unit or vacation home free from water damage. 

Wondering what coverage is right for you? Speak with one of our qualified insurance brokers to find specialized coverage options that suit your diverse needs.  

Protect Yourself with Home Insurance   

Worried about water damage? You’re not alone: book a consultation with an experienced Acumen insurance broker today to find the resources and insight you need to restore your peace of mind with water protection for your home